Monday, November 14, 2011

House Update

Well nothing has really happened on the house building part. We are kinda stuck in the permit application phase. We are working with the builder to finalize the contract and that's not easy when you want as many things as we want yet have already maxed out the budget. We will find a way though. Hopefully everything except the building permit will get completed this week and we will just have that to wait on.

We have started packing since we have to be out of our house by the 28th of this month and it is not fun! We also have to find arrangements to keep the dogs and chickens in while we are living with Tab's parents. They are coming with us but I have to make sure whatever they stay in is temporary and yet still secure enough. With Thanksgiving coming up and hunting season being in full swing it should be a busy few weeks.

This is a veiw down the road that cuts through our property. It is an easement for the few people that live on this road. Our property is on the left side of this road.

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