Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chicken and Dog Update

OK. So were are finally settled in at the Tabs parents. We got the chickens and their coop moved and the dogs set up in a 10x20 kennel, they still come in at night though. I took an old dog house my dad had that he never used and set that up for them. This property is sort of set up on top of a hill so it can get pretty windy. They have a tarp across half of the kennel top and down the back side to provide some wind protection. I really don't like keeping them in there but so far they seem to like it just fine. I've got pine needles packed around the sides and underneath for insulation. I put a wireless thermometer inside the dog house and I have a wireless weather station set up at the dog kennel. I can monitor the temp inside the dog house and outside weather conditions. It was warm today but earlier this morning there was a 10 degree difference inside the dog house. Most days when its been cold it has still been about 5 degrees warmer in there. I think its probably warmer than that to them though because they have been getting in the dog house together. The chicken coop is pretty much set up the same as it was at our old house. I am still having a problem with one of the hens sleeping and pooping in one of the nesting boxes. I have tried blocking it off and nothing seems to work. It stinks because I keep getting poopy eggs out of that box. Even with the colder weather and short days I have still been getting 4 to 5 eggs a day.

Now that we are out of the neighborhood we were in we are able to let our chickens free range when we are home during the day. We still have to keep an eye out for the random roaming dog or the hawks but so far no issues.

This setup if working out pretty good so far... We will have to see how the tarp handles snow if we ever get any.

You can see their guinea pen in the trees a little in this one. Also now that Roostie has been gone for a while that hen on the right is the boss and sure enough today she tried to peck at me. At least the hens don't hurt. Also if you remember a while back I said I was working on teaching the dogs not to eat the chickens. Well today the dogs and I were in the yard throwing the ball and playing. After a while they laid down and chewed on some bones. While they were resting one of the chickens came over to check them out and walked right up to their faces and all around them and they didn't ever react to the chickens so I guess that means the training is going good.

and a final sunset picture across the field.

Also we got our building permit finally last week so we should begin clearing any day now.....

And some even bigger news coming next week.............

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the coop! Great job! I was wondering how the dogs were doing with the chickens, but apparently well... good job! Isn't it so cool getting your own eggs? And the chickens are funny to watch....

Congrats on the permits... isn't dealing with bureaucracy fun? By all means, I think we need MORE gov't., don't you?!

BTW, CONGRATS on the little girl! We are soooo excited you two!